Health Maintenance and Screening Plans

Most of the health reforms and policies in the United States have managed to increase the number of citizens who have access to high-quality, timely, and sustainable medical services. These gains explain why this country has been able to manage various communication diseases and chronic conditions. Unfortunately, the existing plans and health promotion strategies have not fulfilled the needs of all citizens. This paper gives a detailed analysis of evidence-based preventative measures that different clinical settings can consider to continue providing holistic care.

Overcoming Barriers in My Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Practices

The current barriers to health care delivery and quality medical outcomes affect the experiences of many people in the United States. This gap calls for powerful strategies to ensure that there are appropriate preventative measures in every unit, department, or institution. This approach will maximize the number of individuals who have access to desirable services across the lifespan, thereby leading longer and healthier lives (Fox & Shaw, 2015). This section will identify the most appropriate preventative services that can make a difference in my clinical practice.

The first strategy is the introduction of timely immunizations focusing on different citizens. For instance, children should benefit from various vaccines in an attempt to protect them from these illnesses: tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, and poliomyelitis (Chait & Glied, 2018). Adults and the elderly citizens can receive vaccines for various conditions, such as malaria, Hepatitis B, influenza, tetanus, and shingles (Mabry-Hernandez et al., 2018). Such preventative services will minimize chances of developing these medical conditions. This strategy is also essential for overcoming all barriers to medical services in the selected nursing unit.

Many people will encounter diverse experiences or be at risk of developing certain diseases. For example, Fox and Shaw (2015) indicate that young pregnant women have increased chances of recording weakened body immunities. This problem explains why there is a need for my nursing unit to provide timely supplements and drugs that can improve the health outcomes of such individuals. Similarly, adults should have access to various immunizations since they will protect them against different diseases, including seasonal influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. Women can also get vitamin supplements when they are pregnant. Such an evidence-based practice will make it easier for the beneficiaries to record positive health outcomes.

Children and young adults in the identified clinic can benefit from water fluoridation. This is a powerful preventative process for tackling the problem of tooth decay. Those who have access to such services will overcome the burden of various dental diseases or cavities. These individuals can also benefit from timely training sessions and guidelines that will encourage them to engage in practices capable of safeguarding them from various diseases (Chait & Glied, 2018). Some good examples include washing hands with soap, proper personal hygiene, and balanced diets.

Regular screening for certain diseases can become an evidence-based practice for providing preventative services to different patients. This means that childbearing women can benefit from this strategy to protect themselves from breast and cervical cancers. Similarly, mature men can receive screening for prostate cancer (Chait & Glied, 2018). A good example is that individuals between 15 and 45 years can receive timely services focusing on the risk factors associated with different medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Citizens above the age of 50 and the elderly require frequent screening services for colorectal cancer, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Mabry-Hernandez et al. (2018) recommend evidence-based disease management and lifestyle change interventions to people above 60 years. These models will ensure that more people lead healthier lives since the intended services are available at every stage or age bracket.

Patients suffering from terminal conditions should have access to timely medical support or therapy. For example, those who have HIV/AIDS require antiretroviral drugs (ARTs) in order to overcome the complications of this disease and have prolonged lives (Fox & Shaw, 2015). Their bodies will fight most of the opportunistic diseases. These services should be available to cancer patients and those who have chronic conditions. This practice is essential since individuals suffering from specific illnesses require continuous support and care.

The success of the proposed evidence-based initiatives in my clinical practice will be determined by the preparedness and willingness of all stakeholders and practitioners. The health leader (HL) in the institution should educate and empower all caregivers to become proficient providers of the intended preventative services (Chait & Glied, 2018). Adequate resources are needed if all the targeted individuals are to record positive health outcomes across the lifespan and ensure that this country achieves every Healthy People 2020 objective.


The above discussion has revealed that the introduction of preventative services in different hospitals and departments can transform this country’s healthcare system. This initiative will protect more citizens from different diseases and make it easier for them to lead high-quality lives. The government has a role to support such evidence-based strategies in accordance with the Healthy People 2020 program.


Chait, N., & Glied, S. (2018). Promoting prevention under the Affordable Care Act. Annual Review of Public Health, 39, 507-524. Web.

Fox, J. B., & Shaw, F. E. (2015). Clinical preventive services coverage and the Affordable Care Act. American Journal of Public Health, 105(1), e7-e10. Web.

Mabry-Hernandez, I. R., Curry, S. J., Phillips, W. R., García, F. A., Davidson, K. W., Epling, J. W., … Bierman, A. S. (2018). U.S. preventive services task force priorities for prevention research. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 54(1), S95-S103. Web.

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NursingBird. (2021, January 24). Health Maintenance and Screening Plans.

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"Health Maintenance and Screening Plans." NursingBird, 24 Jan. 2021,


NursingBird. (2021) 'Health Maintenance and Screening Plans'. 24 January.


NursingBird. 2021. "Health Maintenance and Screening Plans." January 24, 2021.

1. NursingBird. "Health Maintenance and Screening Plans." January 24, 2021.


NursingBird. "Health Maintenance and Screening Plans." January 24, 2021.