Florence Nightingale, the first researcher and founder of modern nursing, made a revolution in her views on the role and place of a nurse in the protection of public health. In nursing, there are two main areas that include caring for the sick and caring for healthy people. Nightingale believed that the job of the sisters of mercy was to save the wounded not only physically but also spiritually: to take care of their leisure, organize reading rooms, and help establish correspondence with relatives (Davidson et al., 2020). She became the author of the book “Notes on Patient Care,” which became a fundamental guide for doctors and nurses.
Virginia Henderson became known for her nursing theory, which is used in medicine today. Within the framework of this theory, Henderson tried to identify the basic human needs, the satisfaction of which should be aimed at patient care. These 14 basic needs were published in the textbook “On the Principles and Practice of Nursing,” – one of the first textbooks on nursing (Davidson et al., 2020). Meeting these 14 basic needs of the patient will help them a speedy recovery.
Current epidemiological processes are characterized by frequent respiratory diseases of the population, high fever, and concomitant diseases. The totality of these epidemiological processes is directly correlated with COVID-19. One of the most acute environmental problems in the United States is air pollution. The most polluted state is California, which eventually becomes a problem for some people, namely young children, and pregnant women. Dirty air leads to early deaths of children and deaths in childbirth. Since air pollution occurs due to many vehicles, it is necessary to take measures to limit the number of cars, airplanes, and other vehicles with a gasoline engine.
Davidson, J., Proudfoot, J., Lee, K., Terterian, G., & Zisook, S. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of nurse suicide in the United States (2005–2016) with recommendations for action. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 17(2), 180-182.