Meet Our World-Class Essay Writing Team
Our superior experts will deliver results tailored to your requirements at lightning speed.

satisfaction rates
Experts with
Master’s degree or higher
Specialists’ average
experience in academics
Handpicking the Best Minds
Our rigorous selection process ensures that only top-tier specialists work at NursingBird.com. On average, only 2% of applicants are good enough to join our team.
Talent selection
Our main criteria for hiring are an in-depth knowledge of academic subjects, solid writing skills, English language proficiency, and previous experience in academia.
To make sure our candidates possess the necessary skills, we give them subject-specific assessments and English proficiency tests. They also complete a sample order and an interview.
Trial period & mentoring
Nursing Bird’s mandatory trial period and mentorship program ensure our experts know how to use their talents effectively and complete even the most demanding tasks.
Our experts are restricted from using any artificially generated writing in their work. We check every order for AI and plagiarism to ensure you get a 100% authentic paper.
Get to Know Our Experts
Emma N.
ID: 18155
Mia B.
ID: 31345
Samuel J.
ID: 11277
Noah D.
ID: 23258
Harper A.
ID: 14433
Michael A.
ID: 19256
Insights about Our Experts
We give priority to native speakers from the US and Canada.
The majority of our specialists hold Master’s or Ph.D. degrees.
We hire people with deep subject knowledge in various academic fields, from nursing to law.
We can effortlessly switch between writing and citation styles to produce a perfectly customized text.