Healthcare is one of the most innovative industries, and it is one of the industries where adopting a person-centered approach and providing high-quality services are essential parts of an organization. The operation of healthcare organizations should be optimized constantly to meet patient needs. This report will explore the ineffective aspects of the patient-centered approach, the ways to enhance collaboration for growth, foster the culture of innovation, and recognize the resources and expertise. The paper will also highlight the importance of entrepreneurial skills in meeting future demand for care.
Ineffective Aspects in Patient-Centered Approach
A patient-centered approach is currently the most effective in providing quality care and achieving health outcomes. However, some aspects of healthcare organizations contradict this approach and need to be changed. The first aspect is the lack of communication inside teams and among healthcare providers. Communication is the foundation of ensuring that the services are person-centered, as it helps to understand patient preferences and concerns in a better way (Frezza, 2019).
Bureaucracy is another aspect that hinders quality patient-centered care. Paperwork in excessive amounts diverts healthcare providers’ attention from patient needs, decreasing the quality of the provided care (Frezza, 2019). Finally, a lack of cultural competence can also lead to implementing a fully person-centered approach and improving patient outcomes.
Collaboration for Growth
Collaboration and communication with others can help find new opportunities for a healthcare organization’s growth or redesign it as a business. There are several steps that healthcare teams can include in the process of collaboration. Firstly, it would be necessary to assemble a team and define the concrete objective of the upcoming work (Karam et al., 2018).
Later, the team needs to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths. The team would then collect any relevant data that could be helpful in redesigning the organization as a business or building a plan for implementing new opportunities. This data could involve electronic health records, patient feedback, financial data and metrics, and data regarding other aspects of the organization related to the planned changes.
Another critical aspect of teamwork is joint brainstorming and idea generation. The team members must collaborate and listen to each other’s ideas, gather them, and arrive at a common conclusion to create a plan. The discussions must be open and non-judgmental, with all team members encouraging each other to be as creative as they want. The next step would be to prioritize opportunities depending on the potential benefits that they may bring. Based on the set priorities, the team can create action plans for each selected opportunity, defining steps and roles in each plan.
In addition to the input from the internal team members, external stakeholders can also be involved depending on the steps in the defined action plans. The input can be sought from patients’ families and external consultants who can evaluate the organization from an unbiased point of view. After gathering external insights, the teams must test the proposed changes before implementing them. During the pilot program, the team members must continuously monitor the outcomes to introduce changes where necessary. During all these steps, particularly in the adjustment stage, all stakeholders must maintain communication. The changes will be tracked using key performance indicators and feedback so that stakeholders can make informed decisions and make more adjustments after the project is implemented.
Culture for Innovation Change and Growth
In healthcare organizations, it is essential to maintain a culture that supports innovation, change, and growth for the provided services. This culture needs to be fostered to continue improving patient care and stay ahead of the competition. There are various ways to engender this kind of environment in the organization. The first and most important way is to ensure that the leaders are committed to enhancing innovation culture (Rasche et al., 2022). Leaders guide and inspire the rest of the staff; therefore, they must support creative thinking in others.
The second way is to establish a clear vision and strategy for the organization and connect it to the culture of innovation. The vision and the strategy should outline how innovation will be included in the organization’s functioning. Another way is to integrate continuous learning and ensure all employees grow professionally (Rasche et al., 2022). To do that, the leaders must provide training and learning opportunities and encourage team members to seek growth opportunities independently. Finally, the leaders can establish a system of incentives to reward those who come up with innovative ideas.
Culture for the Recognition of Available Resources
A culture that recognizes the resources and expertise of those who provide the service helps foster the feeling of empowerment in the providers. Therefore, leaders must incorporate measures to engender this culture. To achieve that, the leaders must be open to communication and be able to listen to all the team members.
Overall, communication and effective listening must be encouraged among all the service providers. Mentorship and knowledge sharing also must be incorporated into the organization’s functioning. This way, older team members can pass their knowledge on to the newcomers. Leaders also need to invest in the use and implementation of technology, as well as the training aimed at increasing the staff’s technical skills. Finally, it is necessary to use data analytics to improve the decision-making process and identify areas of expertise that need improvement.
Importance of Entrepreneurial Skills
In the healthcare industry, which is rapidly changing, entrepreneurial skills are becoming critical. One of the reasons is that entrepreneurs bring innovation into the industry. Healthcare is highly innovative, so entrepreneurial skills are indispensable in ensuring service innovation. Entrepreneurs can also identify market gaps in the industry and introduce services that will address these gaps (Rasche et al., 2022). Entrepreneurship helps improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency while reducing unnecessary costs, which will significantly elevate the quality of care. Competition advantage is another essential aspect of responding to future service demand, which is also created with the help of entrepreneurship.
Organizations prioritizing patient-centered and person-centered care need to focus on improved communication, reduce bureaucracy, and emphasize cultural competence. To use collaboration for growth, the teams must work together to implement a working plan. The leaders need to motivate team members to develop innovative ideas, continue their professional growth, and share their knowledge with others. These aspects can be enhanced through appropriate entrepreneurial skills in a healthcare organization.
Frezza, E. (2019). Patient-centered healthcare: Transforming the relationship between physicians and patients. Taylor & Francis.
Karam, M., Brault, I., Van Durme, T., & Macq, J. (2018). Comparing interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration in healthcare: A systematic review of the qualitative research.International Journal of Nursing Studies, 79, 70–83. Web.
Rasche, C., Pfannstiel, M. A., Brehmer, N. (Eds.). (2022). Service design practices for healthcare innovation: Paradigms, principles, prospects. Springer International Publishing.