Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment

Endometriosis is a pathology of the female reproductive system in which cells similar to the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) appear outside the uterine cavity. The endometrium begins to grow outside the uterus, capturing its muscular layer, ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes, rectum, peritoneum, and sometimes other organs, such as the kidneys or lungs (Forciea, 2023). It is a delicate process, but it causes severe discomfort and health problems and can lead to infertility. Endometriosis of the cervix is very common; according to WHO, the disease is in third place in terms of occurrence after inflammatory diseases and uterine fibroids (Endometriosis, 2023). Endometriosis is found in women of reproductive age at 25-40 years, but sometimes it also occurs in girls during puberty and older women during menopause.

Gynecological examination and colposcopy will help to differentiate the pathology. On examination, endometriosis of the cervix, vagina, ovaries, and adenomyosis can be determined (Endometriosis, 2023). The pathological epithelium is often seen as dark dots on the pale mucosa (diffuse form) or is palpated as a shapeless, inactive seal (nodular form) (Forciea, 2023). Drug treatment is prescribed for women who have small foci of endometriosis. Drug therapy is effective only in the early stages of the development of pathology. Hormonal treatment is usually carried out, lasting from 3 to 6 months, and sometimes longer (Endometriosis, 2023). Indications for surgery are extensive endometriosis and large size of focal formations.


Endometriosis. (2023). World Health Organization. Web.

Forciea, B. (2023). Pathophysiology of the reproductive system activity.

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NursingBird. (2024, November 26). Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment. https://nursingbird.com/endometriosis-diagnostics-and-treatment/

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"Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment." NursingBird, 26 Nov. 2024, nursingbird.com/endometriosis-diagnostics-and-treatment/.


NursingBird. (2024) 'Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment'. 26 November.


NursingBird. 2024. "Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment." November 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/endometriosis-diagnostics-and-treatment/.

1. NursingBird. "Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment." November 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/endometriosis-diagnostics-and-treatment/.


NursingBird. "Endometriosis: Diagnostics and Treatment." November 26, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/endometriosis-diagnostics-and-treatment/.