Disclosure Models and Case Studies

Chapter 18 focuses on full disclosure programs (Youngberg, 2011). In the chapter, several organizations in America that have embraced the concept of complete transparency and shared the idea with other institutions are analyzed. The programs are initiated when unexpected outcome is discovered. Disclosure platforms comprise of humanistic management methodologies aimed at creating processes that would reduce medical malpractice lawsuit. Full disclosure to clients is essential because it upholds an open and truthful affiliation between clients and health care service providers (Abrams, 2012). The Veteran Affairs Medical Centre in Kentucky first developed these platforms. Before, the adoption of the program, the hospital executives realized that when the organization failed to address clients’ concerns, the risk of litigation increased. When the policy was adopted, the medical center experienced a drop in malpractice claims. The strategy ensured that patients and their families were informed about medical events, expected medical measures, and initiatives taken to reduce all risks during all appointments.

The procedure of disclosure starts with informed consent. Informed consent is initiated before and after the treatment process (Woolston, 2015). Full disclosure comprises of all the facts related to unanticipated outcomes like how the outcome resulted, expected health outcomes, and corresponding treatment plans. The initial step of this program is reporting the incident to risk management officer. The officer will stabilize the situation before it gets out of hand. Later, an investigation is conducted to determine the extent of the incident. Afterward, the risk manager conducts a meeting with the clients and his or her family. According to guidelines published by the University of Michigan Health system, UMHS, a physician should conduct an appropriate research before entering a meeting (Youngberg, 2011). In the consultation, the medic should disclose all suggestions with respect to the result, upcoming treatment, and follow-up communication.

The disclosure program involves, a physician attending to a patient, a patient, a risk manager, and claims committee. Whenever an expected incidence occurs, the doctor attending to a client is required to disclose all the necessary information to the customer. The physician consults with the unit chairpersons for support whenever needed. As such, the medic should have access to all proofs and replies to expected queries. The risk officer stabilizes the situation whenever required. The officer also undertakes an investigation to determine the extent of the incident. Afterward, the risk manager conducts a meeting with the clients and his or her family.

As indicated above, the full disclosure programs have been beneficial to many healthcare providers. The University of Illinois Medical Centre, the University of Michigan Health System, and Veterans Affairs Medical Centre’s disclosure models and case studies illustrate that the programs have enhanced an open and truthful affiliation between clients and providers. Before the adoption of the policies, these health care organizations reported many cases of malpractice claims (Youngberg, 2011). The programs have enabled the organizations to offer effective communications to clients and their family members. Similarly, the platforms have made it possible for the providers to apologize and offer compensations whenever unexpected an outcome is experienced. Through this, the risk of litigation has decreased. One benefit noted by UIMCC model was that the program engages the involved parties to focus on the inquiry and improvement procedures (Youngberg, 2011). Through this, an ongoing relationship with the patient, family, and providers is enhanced. If the programs are appropriately implemented, a reduction in patient harm and value-added medical practices will be expected.


Abrams, M. (2012). Full Disclosure From Doctors. Health Affairs, 31(10), 2355-2355. Web.

Woolston, C. (2015). WHO calls for full disclosure of clinical trials. Nature. Web.

Youngberg, B. (2011). Principles of risk management and patient safety. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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NursingBird. (2022, April 22). Disclosure Models and Case Studies. https://nursingbird.com/disclosure-models-and-case-studies/

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"Disclosure Models and Case Studies." NursingBird, 22 Apr. 2022, nursingbird.com/disclosure-models-and-case-studies/.


NursingBird. (2022) 'Disclosure Models and Case Studies'. 22 April.


NursingBird. 2022. "Disclosure Models and Case Studies." April 22, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disclosure-models-and-case-studies/.

1. NursingBird. "Disclosure Models and Case Studies." April 22, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disclosure-models-and-case-studies/.


NursingBird. "Disclosure Models and Case Studies." April 22, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disclosure-models-and-case-studies/.