Disaster Management Plan in Miami

There are quite a few disasters that could affect the aggregate, as Miami is located in one of the areas that are most exposed to wildfires, hurricanes, floods, severe storms, tsunamis, and power outages. The problem with disasters is that they tend to remain infrequent and only strike the location unexpectedly. The local population has to develop backup plans to protect themselves from the negative influence of disasters mentioned above and gain an opportunity to respond to an adverse event the quickest. The two disasters from the list above that should be addressed before anything else are hurricanes and floods.

When preparing for a hurricane, the aggregate would have to stay indoors and monitor the latest news in order to be on the verge of adversity and remain ready for any consequences. It would be essential to assemble an emergency kit and take it everywhere with one’s self. If an evacuation center cannot be identified, it is recommended to stay indoors, in a room with no windows. In the case where there are children on-premises, the aggregate would be responsible for monitoring their stress indicators in order not to get exposed to panic (Zolnikov et al., 2020). During the eye of the storm, no aggregate should leave the house or the evacuation center with no exceptions.

It may also be advisable to create a more detailed framework for dealing with the upcoming hurricane. Sullivan et al. (2019) recommend that each family develop a comprehensive plan for dealing with the disaster, including protection for the home such as shuttering the windows and a family communications plan in case traditional networks such as cellular are disrupted. Public health workers need to prepare particularly heavily, as they will spend much of their time after the hurricane outside helping people, leaving their families back at home. In addition to evacuating their families or preparing their homes, and stocking up on supplies if the other option is not available, they also need to create a portable kit to assist people. The health professionals can use their experience to help the aggregate conduct their preparations with improved practical results.

As for flood preparedness, the aggregate would have to set up an emergency preparedness kit containing first aid items, three days of water and food, cash, and a flashlight with backup batteries. The rationale for this is that the aggregate would have to move out quickly in the case of an unexpected flood. Higher ground has to be found shortly after flood notice, as the aggregate has to have a chance to respond to the disaster quickly and collect all the required resources with no hesitation (Collins et al., 2018). Floods are exceptionally dangerous because floodwaters may be hard to stop or evade, so the aggregate should have a clear understanding of where they have to move and how fast they should reach the shelter.

Public outreach to educate the population about the dangers of the flood and its implications is necessary. The aggregate needs to be aware of the flood’s predicted extent and the degree of risk that each area faces. Then, they can take measures necessary to minimize the damage that the flood causes, depending on the extent of harm to their home that is projected. For lower water levels, the option of using sandbags to block off the water is available, potentially avoiding any major damage to the property. However, the aggregate should still take care to isolate the items to or through which the water can inflict substantial damage, such as furnaces and electric panels, and appliances. With these preparations in place, incidents that harm people can be minimized, and the people can begin rebuilding earlier.

As for the disaster supply kit, it should contain water and food that is going to be enough for at least three days, with most of the food being either canned or non-perishable. There should also be products with a long shelf life that would not spoil during the disaster. Cooking tools and pet food (if necessary) should also be included in the kit, in addition to all the food and water. Any required medicine or prescriptions, together with the first aid kit, should be included in the supply kit as well (Bagwell et al., 2016). The aggregate should have a radio, several flashlights, suitable clothing, and disaster supply tools such as a knife, signal flare, map, tape, and thermal blankets.


Bagwell, H. B., Liggin, R., Thompson, T., Lyle, K., Anthony, A., Baltz, M.,… & Kuo, D. Z. (2016). Disaster preparedness in families with children with special health care needs. Clinical Pediatrics, 55(11), 1036-1043.

Collins, T. W., Grineski, S. E., & Chakraborty, J. (2018). Environmental injustice and flood risk: a conceptual model and case comparison of metropolitan Miami and Houston, USA. Regional Environmental Change, 18(2), 311-323.

Sullivan, L., Galea, S., Galea, S., Shultz, J. M., Sullivan, L. M., & Shultz, J. M. (2019). Public health: An introduction to the science and practice of population health. Springer Publishing Company.

Zolnikov, T. R., Garces, K. P., Bolter, K., McGuigan, K., & King, R. K. (2020). Enhancing public health preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities through the Florida Hurricane Response Hub. Climate Risk Management, 30, 100251.

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NursingBird. (2022, March 16). Disaster Management Plan in Miami. https://nursingbird.com/disaster-management-plan-in-miami/

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"Disaster Management Plan in Miami." NursingBird, 16 Mar. 2022, nursingbird.com/disaster-management-plan-in-miami/.


NursingBird. (2022) 'Disaster Management Plan in Miami'. 16 March.


NursingBird. 2022. "Disaster Management Plan in Miami." March 16, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disaster-management-plan-in-miami/.

1. NursingBird. "Disaster Management Plan in Miami." March 16, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disaster-management-plan-in-miami/.


NursingBird. "Disaster Management Plan in Miami." March 16, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/disaster-management-plan-in-miami/.