Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis

The world becomes less and less healthy in the process of time. Ecological issues, along with other human problems, have a significant impact on people’s health and the well-being of their children. Around sixty percent of United States adults live with chronic diseases, including diabetes and cancer (Elflein, 2022). Chronic diseases are also the leading causes of death in the US, with more than forty percent of all deaths (Elflein, 2022). One of the most frequent chronic diseases in America is chronic kidney disease. It is a critical illness that progresses slowly and is the loss of kidney function that cannot be reversed. That is why the nurses’ education about phosphorus management diet is crucial and needs to be noticed even more.

Chronic kidney disease is known for increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, which can cause death. The way this sickness works is that such patients experience phosphorous levels growth and mineral metabolism impairment. Dietary phosphorous intake management is the most effective way of controlling the spread of this disease. The products containing a significant amount of phosphorus ingredients are mainly processed and fast foods, including proteins, additives, and phylates.

That provokes an unequal situation when residents from the poverty-saturated areas buy and eat it much more than middle-class people or people of even higher income. Somuah (2018) states that “sustaining serum phosphorus-recommended levels encompasses a proper diet and CKD patient proactive comprehension, participation, adherence, and persistence with the phosphorus binders” (p. 1). Chronic kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States (Somuah, 2018). However, it does not only kill Americans but remains a global issue around the world.

That is why every area, department, and organization need to notice this issue because no one is insured from this disease. This project is important for people because they may become patients one day. Doctors and nurses will also be interested in the findings of this research. The information can be helpful for all food providers and their workers in every country around the world.

Chronic kidney disease has a proper way of treatment that helps slow progress. It is crucial to properly manage a good diet prior to dialysis treatment in the beginning stages. However, making the proper ration and managing phosphorous levels can be a difficult task. The fact that needs to be taken into account is that “phosphorus is the main ingredient of food additives that are used to extend the food shelf-life, enhance flavor or color, and retain moisture in most can foods” (Somuah, 2018, p. 2). That is the main complexity of setting the diet for patients with kidney disease because food preservatives are added at different stages of food production and are difficult to trace. Many manufacturers do not even mention the presence of phosphorus in the product on the food label list. However, even when the patients receive proper diets, seventy-four percent do not comply with phosphate binder therapy (Umeukeje et al., 2018). It is also vital for nurses to explain the sequence of medications and meals to eliminate possible side effects. There is a direct connection between the nurses’ knowledge and patients’ future because of the complexity of the disease.

To conclude, education on phosphorus management in hemodialysis patients is crucial for people’s health and perspectives. Nurses and other health care providers need to have the knowledge and improve them to help patients with chronic kidney disease. This issue is significant and needs to be noticed more to save people’s lives because of the mortality rate this disease causes. Nutrition and food are significant aspects of life that can both ensure a long life and bring a disease that will shorten it.


Elflein, J. (2022). Chronic disease prevention in the U.S. – Statistics & facts. Statista. Web.

Somuah, L. (2018). Educating primary care nurses on phosphorus management in chronic kidney disease patients. Walden University, 1-39. Web.

Umeukeje, E. M., Mixon, A. S. & Cavanaugh, K. L. (2018). Phosphate-control adherence in hemodialysis patients: current perspectives. Patient Prefer Adherence, 12, 1175-1191. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 23). Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis.

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"Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis." NursingBird, 23 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis'. 23 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis." December 23, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis." December 23, 2024.


NursingBird. "Crucial Education: Phosphorus Management in Hemodialysis." December 23, 2024.