Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation


Brain structure and color identification are tied and how the human brain is designed is connected to recall much memory. The study was concerned with the process of memory and perception in real life. The study is concerned with the process of human brain cognition. How well individuals relate with certain activities and things that pertain to color memorization and recognition. The connection between information channels and enhancement of human memory are closely related and their features are tied to the general performance of the brain. The color pattern management and the ability of humans to recall colors with ease explain the general performance of the brain structure. Human brains are structured to help in memory and recalling events. Various sectors of the economy and different industries utilize memory and color recognition in many ways to help them propel their industries positively.

One of how people use color memorization to cause a positive impact on memory include marketing, making adverts, and presentation of various electronic and non-electronic devices. Memory enhancement, creation of visualization in the brain, and long-term effects are some of the benefits that color memory has on the brain, and the study can help understand the performance and structure of the human brain. The research was not gendered biased as it involved both men and women both at 50% of each randomly sampled to help study and understand the development and psychology of color management and brain structure. The study involved various methodologies to help in completing the research and it included asking demographic questionnaires, color memory retention ability. All these helped in doing the study to completion and it has significantly contributed to the successful study.

Response rate

100 participants took part in the research with a 2 x 2 gender participation (50%) of the total gender were subjected to the research. The data was then subjected to rigorous ANOVA analyses to help determine the results and to improve the quality of output. The participants contributed input and the score was put in a-9-pointer-scale. A score of 9/9 meant the participant recognized all the images that he/she was presented and that helped in telling their accuracy and recognition ability. The results were then entered in an SPSS to help in examining the effect of background color and image color on memory recognition.

The statistics of the participants showed that N-100, minimum = 0 maximum= 9 mean= 4.5. The SD=4.5; with p< 0.01. The participants showed a reasonable degree of recognition with no overlap. Neither majority nor minority showed difficulty in the image and color recognition. The research easily came up with a viable conclusion that helped to further minimize the research duration and to help in the cognitive score analysis. The participants who score higher and those who had lower scores were equally distributed across the gender, without any favoritism. The participants took part in the survey and the detailed description helped in the process of coming up with viable information, which was necessary for the participants to give their full unbiased opinions about the memory and brain recognition ability.

Participants will read about the required 15 minutes of time the survey will take from start to finish. Participants are told to make sure they are comfortable sitting at a computer for the 15-minute time frame, if not to please make the necessary changes to be comfortable. A time limit is set once the survey begins, once started participants will not have the opportunity to start and stop it or go back to a previous screen. After the participant is ready to begin they will read the consent form and either agree to participate or decline. If a participant declines the session is immediately ended and their participation is complete. Participants were reminded that if they wanted to stop the survey at any time there was no penalty and they would still receive credit for their participation. A final question is asked before continuing on regarding whether the participant has ever been diagnosed with color-blindness, if the response is yes the survey will end and they will be thanked for their participation.

After consent is received from participants they will then click to the next screen asking them a series of demographic questions, asking these questions allows the researchers to search for any patterns between different demographic categories. After the participants complete the demographic questions they will be given a brief set of instructions that will remind them to get comfortable, the participant will then click the next button in which a short 20-second clip will be played with a series of 9 images that flash in 2-second increments. Upon completion of the video, the participant will be shown a list of words on the screen, then be asked to click the words related to the images they believe they saw, which will conclude the research portion of the survey. In order to receive credit for their participation and time, participants will be asked to provide their first and last name, course name, course id, instructor’s name, and the campus they attend. Finally, they will submit their survey and a thank you page will be displayed allowing the participants to know the survey is now complete. Following that the researchers will then get notification of all participants who have completed the survey, all instructors will then be sent a list of names of those students who participated in their courses.

The researchers created a brief, 4-item demographic questionnaire to collect information from participants. Questions included age, gender, ethnicity, and color deficiency. The variables were chosen given that the students in the university, age, and gender have been known to have more visualized images and context from courses in their courses. Gender, race, and ethnicity were picked as a factor to show variety in our study.

Color and Memory

Color helps us in retaining specific data by expanding our attentional level. The effect of color in upgrading our consideration level is critical. As expressed before, colors can stand out. Many were among the soonest who came out with a hypothesis recommending that tones greatly affect consideration. This end depended on their review on attention and cognizance. Many thought about color and non-color perception introduced on memory performance.


The focus of this study was to look at two independent variables: the first independent variable focused on background color consisting of one of three colors red, green, or white. The second independent variable looked at images that were colored or uncolored. The dependent variable examined participants’ recognition on how many of the images they would be able to recall with different color images and background colors.

Participants were randomly assigned 1 of 6 videos, all images in the videos were the same, the only difference was whether the images were colored or uncolored. Video 1 and 2 both displayed a red background however video 1 had uncolored images while video two had the exact same images in color. Video 3 and 4 displayed both colored images and non-colored images on a white background. Videos 5 and 6 displayed colored and non-colored images on a green background. The nine images shown on all 6 videos were an anchor, squirrel, backpack, baby, fox, guitar, cupcake, and a banana. Each of the 6 videos was 23.5 second in length, once the video started a 1.5 second pause between each image was given before the next image appeared. Once all 9 images


Human memory is both long-term and short-term as proposed by early investigators who formed theoretical models around the topic. The memory of humans is the storage within which they record daily activities. The brain has a special way of erasing short-term activities that will not necessarily remain useful after a long period. However, it tends to also have a hard drive to store permanent information and other long-term information that a person will need in the near future. The storage of information is arranged in the human brain depending on how often the person will need the information, and also considering the urgency of the information that they store. Waugh and Norman proposed a theory known as the behavioral model of memory. The theory had a fundamental basic role, which was to identify and quantify the traits of the human’s main memory.

The research further argued that Atkinson and Shiffrin extended this model to form a model that contained the sensory register store, long term, and short-term store. The study suggested that the human brain is significantly impacted by the external environment and that the human brain will more likely recognize or recall whatever interests it. The storage of a huge amount of information within a relatively short period is dictated by the individual brain and how well the brain functions. The structure and functionality of the human brain are essential in understanding the general participation and the philosophy proposed that environmental stimuli. first reach the sensory register store which can store a huge amount of information although is retained for a very short time. They claimed that information that needs attention is moved to the short-term store then later on transferred to the long-term store due to some control processes for permanent storage. Image color was one of these control processes that enabled memorization which further led to information transfer to long-term store.

Background Color

Craik and Lockhart proposed an alternative model of memory that suggests that processes involved in memory are of more importance than the memory system structure (Campoleoni et al., 2019). The processes are presumed to range from shallow to deeper semantic processes. The shallow one is associated with basic analysis of information while the deeper process needs some level of recognition and bottomless processing since this contributes to a lasting memory. From the model, information is stored in the long-term store due to the level of processing and analysis done on the input received from the environment (Campoleoni et al., 2019). The background color is capable of activating attention that can be used in deeper processing for better remembrance. It therefore can influence attention that contributes to control processes which then help in enhancing memory performance.

The investigation discovered that while some earlier studies corroborate this research, others contradict it after examining a variety of literature on the same topic. Numerous studies and experiments have been conducted to demonstrate how color influences memory, as was indicated in the literature review section. Many of these demonstrate how color—both background and image—has a big impact on people’s recall. According to the study, people have a tendency to remember past information with ease while disregarding some drab hues that have no clear connection to the memories they are interested in. They show that people have a tendency to forget about colored things while remembering colored ones. However, other previous research presented conflicting information about memory and color and how both affected the ability of an individual to recall an occurrence or an idea.

This is one of the best ways that an individual can assess the structure of the brain. The brain structure is complex with a complex nervous system that will take ages to learn or unlearn. Therefore, one of the simplest and probably the most straightforward way that an individual can study the structure of the brain is through comparison and analyses using color management and recognition ability. Although it might not give 100% brain structure with all the nerves that are involved in the brain system, it is one of the best ways that an individual can learn or understand their environment, including the stimuli that add to their participation.

Some of the challenges that this study found along the way included unwilling participants who did not give their best results and or declined to fully participate in the study. Dishonesty due to tiredness and lack of concentration significantly interfered with the end result. The participants were more likely to give dishonest information since they feared participating in the research. The result was that there was no or little willingness of the participants who expected some sort of appreciation for taking part in the study. Language barriers since the study aimed at nearly all the races. The difference in the language of communication posed a challenge to the study and some of the participants never gave their honest opinion due to lack of language understanding and lack of translators to help smoothen the participation process.

Conclusions and Implication

The general summary of the study found out that there is a close relationship between image recognition and brain structure memory. Participants seem to recall many of the images that were colorful and many participants recognized that they saw a unique color with ease. 5thye study had clear aims with straightforward hypotheses that were geared towards understanding the human cognitive and color memory. The results showed that the study was successful and the participant showed the willingness to participate, which made the study easier to follow and to upgrade.


Marketers and those who engage in making adverts should concentrate on making colored adverts to help them pass their information and create an impact on the general participation and recognition ability. Since recognition and memory impact on an individual’s mind has a significant impact on the general performance and participation among many people, engaging in multi-color participation is 100 times more likely to help in the process of image recognition and prolonged memory.

The rate of forgetfulness is conspicuous among people who have developed some form of brain surgery or replacement. Recognition is an important part of the brain and helps define the ability of humans to recognize and participate in the general wellbeing and connectedness of memory, cognition, and brain health. Variation in the study helps explain the participants’ general participation and the ultimate success.

The structure of the brain of everyone differs, which explains why the cognitive ability and the memory retention of everyone has a slight difference irrespective of the level of concentration, gender, or race. The difference is a better part of diversity and it helps in taking the participation and study further for better results. Besides, the past researches are in collaboration with this research findings. Numerous studies and experiments have been conducted to demonstrate how color influences memory, as was indicated in the literature review section. Many of these demonstrate how color—both background and image—has a big impact on people’s recall. They show that people have a tendency to forget about colored things while remembering colored ones.


Campoleoni, A., Francia, D., & Heissenberg, C. (2019). Electromagnetic and color memory in even dimensions. Physical Review D, 100(8), 085015.

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NursingBird. (2024, December 4). Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation.

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"Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation." NursingBird, 4 Dec. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation'. 4 December.


NursingBird. 2024. "Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation." December 4, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation." December 4, 2024.


NursingBird. "Color Memory and Brain Structure Investigation." December 4, 2024.