It goes without saying that CDSSs may be regarded as highly essential supportive tools in nursing practice. According to Zikos and DeLellis (2018), “proper use of clinical information is especially important in an effort to make sound clinical decisions and provide quality health services.” Despite potential alert fatigue and the prevailing significance of evidence, CDSSs are beneficial for Advanced Nurse Practitioners, especially at the beginning of their practice (Nibbelink, et al., 2018). For instance, the patient with heart failure who had already received treatment in another hospital will get high-quality health care delivery due to the use of the CDSS. First, the system will incorporate all essential information concerning the patient that includes his medical history and previous medication history. The patient’s data will subsequently expand with completed test results. Due to the recommendations and alerts of the CDSS, the patient will not be subdued to unnecessary or duplicate testing. In addition, the information concerning the patient’s previous medication that was prescribed in another hospital will substantially reduce the risk of a medical error.
Castaneda, C., Nalley, K., Mannion, C., Bhattacharyya, P., Blake, P., Pecora, A. Goy, A., & Suh, K. S. (2015). Clinical decision support systems for improving diagnostic accuracy and achieving precision medicine. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics, 5(4). Web.
Nibbelink, C. W., Young, J.R., Carrington, J. M., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Informatics solutions for application of decision-making skills. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 30(2), 237-246. Web.
Zikos, D., & DeLellis, N. (2018). CDSS-RM: A clinical decision support system reference model. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(137). Web.