Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care

Systems theory, as well as complexity science, can help nurse practitioners tremendously in their work. Understanding these two components allows them to make better decisions, thus gradually improving the quality of care. Nurses become able to multitask and handle complex cases more easily in the workplace. According to systems theory, the sustainability of the entire health care system depends on the quality of care provided by nurses (Pype et al., 2018). Accordingly, a systematic approach to treatment is needed, the application of which will solve the pressing problems of the whole system.

The are several models of nursing include functional nursing, collaborative nursing, total nursing care, and primary nursing. The collaborative form of nursing care is designed to maximize the skill of professional nurses and to oversee the care that is provided by less-skilled workers (Pype et al., 2018). This model is the most prevalent in advanced practice environments. Next, the process for executing team-based nursing care will be outlined. One, two, or more teams are organized in the department. The crew leader assigns patient care tasks to crew members. For example, nurses may be responsible for caring for a number of specific patients or for completing specific tasks. The team members report patient information to the team leader, who communicates it to the physician. The leader is responsible for the quality of patient care and communication with physicians and other unit leaders.

I was quite satisfied with the demonstrated level of interprofessional cooperation. I noticed that colleagues at different levels showed incredible respect and support for each other. Thanks to this attentive attitude, the quality of care has steadily improved. Each staff member had his or her own function, which allowed for effective delegation of responsibilities. At the same time, if difficulties arose, it was always possible to turn to more experienced colleagues, which was also convenient and helpful.

The driving practice model for advanced practice nurses in your state is the previously mentioned collaborative practice model. A number of qualities are necessary for health care professionals in a state where this model is actively used. Including Nurse Practitioners must be able to work in teams with other professionals and share responsibility for achieving group goals. They are also characterized by a desire for mutually beneficial interprofessional collaboration to improve the quality of nursing care. My state has taken the position that the coherence of the health care system as a whole depends on how effective the collaboration among the medical staff is. I had the opportunity to be convinced of the correctness of this position in the course of my personal experience.

There is no problem with the choice of a professional practice model in my state, but if there were, a number of steps would need to be taken. In particular, it would be important to select a theoretician who would represent the philosophy on which nursing care is based. Thus, it would be possible to decide which principle should be used – centralization or decentralization, independence or subordination of all to one person. In this way, it would be a step closer to choosing the right model. Then the nurses would have to decide what the structure of care would be. That means determining the means of communication, the role of the staff, and how the unit will be organized. Thus, articulating a clear philosophy and how the care process will be structured will help with the choice of a professional practice model in the state.


Pype, P., Mertens, F., Helewaut, F., & Krystallidou, D. (2018). Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: Understanding team behaviour through team members’ perception of interpersonal interaction. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 1-13.

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NursingBird. (2024, November 26). Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care.

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"Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care." NursingBird, 26 Nov. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care'. 26 November.


NursingBird. 2024. "Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care." November 26, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care." November 26, 2024.


NursingBird. "Advancing Nursing Practice: Embracing Systems Theory and Collaborative Care." November 26, 2024.