A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator


The process of patient education in nursing is a multifactorial process. Many basic objectives of medical ethics, deontology, pedagogy, and bioethics are intertwined in the latter. The nurse is a source of valuable health and self-care information and skills if the process of interacting with the patient during first aid is properly managed. Ideally, the nurse should be part of a team of professionals interested in the global goal of population wellness, which is not possible without the implementation of educational programs. Systemic education can be viewed in two basic paradigms, including health promotion and disease prevention and the cognitive model.


The former assumes that staff, in providing primary procedures, must bring the patient to a sufficient level of literacy at which self-care and self-care are possible. Critically, the nurse must be able to show the cause-and-effect relationship between the crisis condition and the lifestyle or co-occurring diagnoses (Kayingo & Hass, 2018). Moreover, in order for health care operations in a particular area to be more effective, it is essential for the patient to be informed about the procedures for going to the hospital for a particular diagnosis (Kayingo & Hass, 2018). This is especially true for chronic diseases, in which a person must understand which examinations must always be updated.

The cognitive sphere involves obtaining fundamentally new information and facts. As a result of the analysis there is a selection of the main and separation of them from the secondary. Nursing education requires the nurse to have special knowledge and professionalism. The emotional or sensual sphere consists in the fact that a person, having received information, reacts to it with emotions, experiences, thoughts, opinions (Duffy, 2023). He evaluates the received knowledge and changes his behavior. For example, a person actively listens and reacts to new information and changes his behavior: he begins to follow the diet, to eat rationally, to do physical training, to dress for the season, to observe the rules of life safety.

The psychomotor sphere means that the person uses mental and muscular activity to learn new types of movements, confidently performs the necessary actions, acquires stable skills, such as brushing teeth, tying shoelaces, moving around with crutches, injecting insulin, and determining pulse. Formal patient education takes place in the home environment (Bastable, 2023). The nurse educates the patient, imparting skills for daily activities, including administering insulin, measuring blood pressure, or reinforcing skills learned from other professionals (Duffy, 2023). Informal training takes place when the nurse, in the course of her duties, talks with the patient about concerns. In addition, training can be individual and collective.

Group training of patients has a number of special advantages, as it creates a certain atmosphere, helps to perceive information in the right light, reduces the feeling of loneliness. Patients have the opportunity to share experiences and receive support, which contributes to a positive perception of the treatment process (Bastable, 2023). For more active involvement of patients in the learning process it is advisable to use active learning methods, including analysis of situations, problem solving, discussions, business games, which activate thinking, increase motivation for learning. A business game puts the participants in real life situations, forms the skills and abilities to solve specific problems.

A nurse engaged in patient and relative education must meet rather high requirements. They should possess the best of the best human qualities, including responsiveness, cordiality, ability to understand and empathize with the patient’s problems, kindness, tolerance. She must possess an appropriate level of intellectual and cultural development, for example, have good language, internal and external culture, a sense of humor, professional knowledge and skills and a broad outlook. From the nurse is required high internal discipline, the ability to work on themselves, which manifests itself in the ability to control their emotions, adjust themselves to intimate, confidentiality, independence in action, perseverance, self-control, activity, hard work and responsibility.

The significance of the nurse’s work in patient education is built on the idea of raising the consciousness of society about health care. This idea is particularly evident when it comes to the socially disadvantaged populations. The latter have a low level of trust in modern hospitals and in the actions of doctors (Bastable, 2023). Properly structured pedagogical activities will allow nurses to establish the necessary psychological contact and motivate the population to openness and cooperation. In this aspect we can also see the benefit in statistics, because by working with the nurses and providing them with data, patients add to various databases of information. Subsequently, it makes the work of analytical systems more accurate and efficient.


Thus, the pedagogical qualities of nurses must be maintained and taught at the appropriate level in specialized institutions. This is due to the many positives that are opened up for health care when educating first aid patients. At the global level, this policy contributes to the overall health of the nation; at the private level, it allows people to feel more confident and self-reliant in the context of specific diagnoses.


Bastable, S. (2023). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Duffy, J. R. (2023). Quality caring in nursing and health Systems. Springer Publishing Company.

Kayingo, G., & Hass, V. M. (2018). The health professions educator: A practical guide for new and established faculty. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

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NursingBird. (2024, July 5). A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator. https://nursingbird.com/a-nurse-practitioner-as-a-health-educator/

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"A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator." NursingBird, 5 July 2024, nursingbird.com/a-nurse-practitioner-as-a-health-educator/.


NursingBird. (2024) 'A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator'. 5 July.


NursingBird. 2024. "A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator." July 5, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/a-nurse-practitioner-as-a-health-educator/.

1. NursingBird. "A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator." July 5, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/a-nurse-practitioner-as-a-health-educator/.


NursingBird. "A Nurse Practitioner as a Health Educator." July 5, 2024. https://nursingbird.com/a-nurse-practitioner-as-a-health-educator/.