Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress


Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD can be characterized as one of the most widely spread mental disorders. This disorder may result in various chronic physical disorders and mental discontent if left untreated. However, a major fraction of the individuals affected by GAD often avoids treatment, with only a small percentage of affected people receiving it. Although there are currently two approaches to GAD treatment – psychological and pharmacological, the mind-body interventions are growing in popularity as an alternative approach to treat GAD. One of the methods, which has proven its effectiveness, is yoga; this method allows cutting short the conditions that the anxiety disorder may cause. The given video demonstrates the benefits of yoga as a group therapy practice. Among all benefits of a given method, its influence on the blood flow and hemoglobin can be noted (Sahni, Singh, Sharma, & Garg, 2021). Moreover, yoga positively affects oxygen saturation levels and may serve as an additional precaution in preventing various cardiologic complications. Besides, the patients who underwent this kind of treatment report an increase in overall mental condition (Sahni, Singh, Sharma, & Garg, 2021). Thus, the proposed approach can be implemented more widely due to its high effectiveness.

The Assessment of Demonstrated Techniques

The implemented techniques have proven to be effective. Because one of the main issues yoga addresses is anxiety, many of its exercises are developed to bring an individual to mental equilibrium (Woodyard, 2011). The practices provided to the given group have positively influenced their overall level of stress and anxiety. This may be explained by the fact that yoga directly affects the hypothalamus, which controls the regulation of the stress level (Woodyard, 2011). Since yoga tries to address specific causes of the issue (in this case, the factors that cause the anxiety), the individual approach is implemented to reach the most effective outcome (Can et al., 2020). It is essential to mention that the effects of yoga are directed towards various areas of the brain that answer for the multiple moods of the individual. This, combined with an overall positive impact on physical welfare, allows a person to reach the highest rates of recovery since this process is highly affected by the patient’s mental condition (Woodyard, 2011). Thus, according to the information mentioned prior, it is possible to say that the techniques of yoga shown in the provided materials have the potential to become very effective techniques for anxiety treatment.

What Therapist Did Well and What Could Be Improved

Although the therapist was able to maintain a high-quality yoga session, she almost did not explain the possible adverse effects of traditional yoga and did not provide the patients with other therapy options. The therapist very clearly explained various techniques that were implemented as well as their impact on the human body. In addition, the group members were provided with the possibility to relieve their stress via conversation. Although the flaws, which may be corrected, are primarily minor, it is essential to mark them. First of all, physical exercises may cause a minor increase in stress levels at the beginning stages of yoga practice. Secondly, the therapist did not provide the patients with possible alternative treatment options (such as cognitive behavioral therapy). It was interesting to uncover that yoga is often implemented as a stress relief treatment among teenagers. In overall, the level of the therapist’s qualification, as well as the approach to treatment, may be qualified as more than satisfactory.

Managing the Group During the Therapy

The management of a therapy group is an essential aspect of successful treatment; since the group consists of various individuals with different personality traits, the therapist must implement a qualified approach in management. First of all, it is crucial to avoid and prevent various possible arguments and conflicts among the group members. The critical factor in preventing these issues is a well-built dialogue among group members as well as between the instructor and the group. Therefore, Stage 1 of Tuckman Stages of Group Development will be implemented (the stage used for setting rules and expectations). The second important aspect is the levels of participation among the group. The successful treatment consists of the patient’s voluntary involvement in the process; therefore, it is a therapist’s duty to organize a high level of participation in the group. The discussions and conversations between the group members will benefit their stress levels and make them more concentrated. Finally, it is essential to divide the group therapy into several phases of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning (Maccoll, 2016). Thus, the quality of the received treatment depends on proper management.

Tuckman Stages of Group Development

There are five stages of Tuckman Stages of Group Development, one of which was mentioned prior. Therefore, it is important to mention all these stages in order to reach a better understanding of group management. Stage 1 – ‘Forming’ stage, consisting of rules’ setting general dialogue between a therapist and a patient (Maccoll, 2016). Stage 2 – ‘Storming’ stage, which is focused on the dialogue between the group members (Maccoll, 2016). Stage 3 – ‘Norming’; the stage is focused on conflicts management (Maccoll, 2016). Stage 4 – ‘Performing’ stage, which focus is the group productiveness and the generation of new ideas. Stage 5 – ‘Adjourning’; it provides the group members with the ability to discuss the treatment results and mark positive and negative aspects.

The Benefits and Possible Difficulties of Group Therapy

Undoubtedly, group therapy is a good way of treatment of various stress-related disorders, although it can be noted that several difficulties may appear in the process of this practice’s implementation. An essential benefit that group therapy may provide to an individual is the social group that provides him or her with needed support. This type of therapy provides an individual with an efficient approach to life problems. Moreover, the group members may give an individual a broader view of the given situation. However, the possible difficulties are the chances that an individual may conflict with the rest of the group or assess the surrounding environment as uncomfortable. The lack of trust or the inability to share a traumatizing experience with others may negatively impact an individual. Thus, even though group therapy is an excellent way to cope with personal difficulties and mental disorders, some individuals may find them unfitting.


According to all analyzed data and scientific sources, it can be concluded that yoga may be a highly effective alternative treatment method that will help an individual to deal with stress and anxiety. In addition, yoga group therapy may be implemented as an additional treatment practice along with pharmaceutical and physiological approaches. Since high levels of stress may negatively influence the flow of the disease, as well as its treatment, yoga may positively affect the situation by reducing the stress levels. Therefore, patients with stress-related disorders and depression may expect the therapy to be beneficial.

Works Cited

Can, Y. S., Iles-Smith, H., Chalabianloo, N., Ekiz, D., Fernández-Álvarez, J., Repetto, C., Riva, G., & Ersoy, C. (2020). How to relax in stressful situations: A smart stress reduction system. Healthcare. Web.

Maccoll, G. J. (2016). The art of bridging revisited. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 66 (3), 443–454. Web.

Sahni, P. S., Singh, K., Sharma, N., & Garg, R. (n.d.). Yoga an effective strategy for selfmanagement of stress-related problems and wellbeing during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE. Web.

Woodyard C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International journal of yoga, 4(2), 49–54. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, February 8). Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress.

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"Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress." NursingBird, 8 Feb. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress'. 8 February.


NursingBird. 2024. "Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress." February 8, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress." February 8, 2024.


NursingBird. "Yoga as an Alternative Treatment Method to Deal With Stress." February 8, 2024.