David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine


Health care systems in different regions of the world are a result of years of research and experiment using native remedies. One of the oldest of these medical systems is the Ayurvedic medicine that is mainly practiced in the Indian Subcontinent. In one of the videos on this art, the history and the various components of Ayurvedic medicine are discussed (Films on Demand, 2014). The following essay is a critique of the video and discusses important lessons, divergent views, and personal opinion on David Ayurvedic Medicine.


The video provides important discussions on the origin and application of Ayurvedic medicine. Additionally, the relevance of this medical system to the current medical proactive is exhaustively evaluated (Films on Demand, 2014). Despite the long history of the use of the remedies, the current video provides a well-thought evaluation of some of the challenges in the application of this form of medicine. According to Sharma and Clark (2012), the use of herbal medicine could supplement modern forms of medicine for conditions that are hard to treat. Besides, this form of alternative health care provides solutions to age-old problems.

Among the issues discussed in the video are the safety and effectiveness of Ayurveda. There is a balanced assessment of this form of alternative medicine in the video with a vivid explanation of some of the major concepts (Sharma & Clark, 2012). Consequently, the video provides a logical explanation for some of the theories in Ayurveda. Despite the explanation provided in the video, the narrator is unclear on some of the applications of Ayurveda medicine. Some of the grey areas include the potential toxicities of the remedies in Ayurveda medicine and the regulation of this form of medicine in the developing nations.

Lessons from the Video

There are several lessons from the video in Ayurveda medicine. First, it provided information on an important form of alternative medicine that I did not know existed. In addition, the video was informative on the different ways that traditional forms of medicine may be incorporated into contemporary practice (Sharma & Clark, 2012). The last lesson from the video is that there is still a need for more research into Ayurveda medicine to establish the effectiveness and efficacy of constituent remedies.

Before the Video

Before watching the video, I was not familiar with Ayurvedic medicine. However, traditional Indian medicine had always been fascinating and a potential personal research area. Consequently, the video provides an opportunity to study some of the other traditional health systems that could still be applicable in contemporary health care. The video also changed my view on traditional forms of medicine as being archaic and inapplicable to current medicine.

Personal Opinions

The current opinions about Ayurvedic Medicine include that this form of medical system is potentially beneficial in health care. Different medical systems have unique challenges that could be reduced through combination with Ayurvedic Medicine. Consequently, this form of alternative medicine has potential benefits and is useful in the attainment of global health goals. However, there is need to refine the art to make it less harmful to human beings. If such measures are taken, it is my opinion that Ayurvedic medicine could become the standard method of treatment of some of the medical conditions.


In conclusion, a critique of the video on Ayurvedic Medicine reveals some major benefits this medical system. However, some challenges in the application of Ayurvedic Medicine need to be resolved before its adoption as standard treatment.


Films on Demand. (2014). Web.

Sharma, H., & Clark, C. (2012). Ayurvedic healing contemporary Maharishi Ayurvedic medicine and science (2nd ed.). London: Jessica Kingsley.

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NursingBird. (2022, April 18). David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine. https://nursingbird.com/david-ayurvedic-medicine-as-alternative-medicine/

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"David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine." NursingBird, 18 Apr. 2022, nursingbird.com/david-ayurvedic-medicine-as-alternative-medicine/.


NursingBird. (2022) 'David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine'. 18 April.


NursingBird. 2022. "David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine." April 18, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/david-ayurvedic-medicine-as-alternative-medicine/.

1. NursingBird. "David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine." April 18, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/david-ayurvedic-medicine-as-alternative-medicine/.


NursingBird. "David Ayurvedic Medicine as Alternative Medicine." April 18, 2022. https://nursingbird.com/david-ayurvedic-medicine-as-alternative-medicine/.