82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples

Definition ADHD is a neurological behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) and incontinence (impulsivity).
Specialty Psychoneurology
History In 1947, pediatricians tried to give a clear clinical rationale for the so-called hyperactive children, who often had problems with their studies. However, the question of the terminology of this state remained unresolved. In 1980, the term attention deficit disorder (ADD) was introduced in the American classification of psychiatric diseases DSM-III, since attention deficit was recognized as the basic symptom of the disorder. The revision of 1987 (DSM-III-R) made a great contribution to the diagnostic criteria and even changed the name of the disease: ADHD тщц stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Symptoms Attention deficit disorder is expressed primarily in hyperactivity and inattention. Hyperactivity is expressed in impulsive behavior. Problems with concentration develop absent-mindedness.
Causes The reasons behind the development of ADHD remain unclear. However, there are several causes that have been established by scientists on the basis of facts, such as genetic predisposition and pathological influence in the brain.
Prevention There are no scientifically supported ADHD prevention methods.
Diagnostic Method Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed by a questionnaire, observation of the child’s behavior and examination of the brain using MRI.
Treatment The best treatment option for ADHD is complex – psychological correction in combination with medications.
Duration ADHD always begins in the childhood. The brain is mainly formed before the age of 8 years, but finally only by the age of 25. Therefore, in children, arousal and inhibition often get out of control, in some cases leading to ADHD. Over time, the brain matures and the symptoms of ADHD improve or go away on their own. However, even in an adult, the cognitive, behavioral, and movement disorders that develop as a result of ADHD can persist.
Prognosis With the help of well-tailored medication and psychotherapy, both children and adults with ADHD can live a functional life.
Complications The complications of ADHD, although not damaging for the organism, can affect the quality of life severely. Most common complications include inability to follow instructions, algorithms, for example, fulfill the conditions of a task, resistance to involvement in the process of performing tasks, avoidance of initiative, and daily forgetfulness.
Frequency in Population The worldwide prevalence of adult ADHD is estimated at 2.8 percent, according to a 2016 study. About 6.1 million children (9.4 percent) have ever been diagnosed with ADHD.
Deaths ADHD does not lead to death.
Society Society usually regards ADHD as a “children disease”, so the adults suffering from it often do not get any support and relevant treatment. Moreover, ADHD is often misdiagnosed in both adults and children.

📝 ADHD Research Papers Examples

  1. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Treatment and Financing
    The paper describes Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, controversy about the existence of ADHD, and presents additional evidence on the existence of ADHD.
  2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Teenager
    The patient is a 15-year-old Hispanic male diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He reports increased hyperactivity, problems with concentration, and anxiety.

🏆 Best ADHD Essay Titles

  1. Children and ADHD: Control Within the Constraints of Diagnosis
  2. ADHD: Latest Research and Recommended Treatment
  3. Current and Retrospective Childhood Ratings of Emotional Fluctuations in Adults With ADHD
  4. Concepts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects certain sections of the brain in child. Consequently, the child becomes unable to solve problems, fail to plan and do some tasks.
  5. Children With ADHD Continue to Pose a Considerable Challenge to Their Families and the Society
  6. Facts About ADHD and Ritalin as Its Most Common Treatment
  7. ADD & ADHD, Mental Retardation, Learning Disabilities
  8. Efficacy of Mind-Body Therapy in Children With ADHD
    When it comes to the methods of treating ADHD in children, mind-body therapies have proved to provide a multitude of potential benefits.
  9. ADD/ADHD and Use of Stimulant Drugs To Treat Children
  10. ADHD Scores and Dyslexia Scores Impact on Academic Performance
  11. ADHD, Ritalin, Families, and Pharmaceutical Companies
  12. Sex Differences in Comorbidity Patterns of ADHD Analysis
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a pervasive disease among modern children characterized by the lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  13. Behavioral and Pharmacological Treatment of Children With ADHD
  14. Exploiting the Brain’s Network Structure in Identifying ADHD Subjects
  15. ADHD: Managed Through Medications and Behavioral Therapy
  16. ADHD: Symptoms and Treatment Interventions
    The paper presents the case scenario describing the patient with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and provides specific information on symptoms and treatment interventions.
  17. ADHD Alternative Treatments for Children
  18. Children With ADHD and How Teachers Perceive Them
  19. ADHD Children and How Behavior Therapy Is Necessary With the Use of Medication
  20. Yoga as a Non-Pharmacological Intervention for Children With ADHD
    There was an improvement in ADHD symptoms in studies focusing on parent-child yoga, as the children’s self-esteem improved alongside strengthening parent-child relationships.
  21. ADHD Medications Versus Side Effects
  22. ADHD and ADD and School Compulsory Medication
  23. ADHD Diagnosis, Diagnostic Tools, and Its Cultural and Ethical Implications
  24. The Lateral Prefrontal Cortex and Selection and Inhibition in ADHD
  25. Genetic Insights Into ADHD Biology

🎓 Simple Research Topics about ADHD

  1. The Causes, Treatment and Ethical Issues Related to the Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
  2. ADHD: History and Background of Disease
  3. ADD/ADHD: Differences Between Boys and Girls
  4. Teaching Children With ADHD
    The teaching method used by an instructor should cater to the student’s needs. It is essential to understand what works for them and then model one’s teaching to suit this.
  5. Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD Revisited
  6. Children With ADHD and Ritalin Effects Research Proposal
  7. ADHD and the Role of the Psychiatric Nurse
  8. Educational Practices for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    This paper aims to analyze Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and find ways to change educational practices to meet the needs of students with ADHD.
  9. The Symptoms and Treatment of ADHD in Children and Teenagers
  10. ADHD and What Causes the Childhood Behavioral Condition
  11. Children With ADHD Have Difficulties Paying Attention and Are More Impulsive
  12. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    The main challenges of the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include inattention, inability to concentrate, memory deficits, time management, and emotional control.
  13. ADHD: Inattention, Distractibility, Impulsivity, Hyperactivity
  14. Difference Between ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and Antisocial Disorder
  15. Entrepreneurship and Psychological Disorders: How ADHD Can Be Productively Harnessed
  16. Assessment Data-based Decision Making
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement of 2004 and No Child Left Behind of 2001 have been added to the US Federal Laws to provide ample support to schoolchildren.
  17. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Psychostimulants in the Treatment of ADHD
  18. The Young Children and Children With ADHD, and Thinking Skills
  19. ADHD Children and Using Family and Group Therapies
  20. Plans for Students with Learning Differences
    Students with learning differences like emotional and behavioral disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and dyscalculia have a right to be included in the curriculum.
  21. Growing Into Successful Adults With ADHD
  22. Classroom Seating Arrangements for ADHD Students
  23. The Relation Between Sleep, Memory Enhancement, Causes of Emotional Deficiency Among ADHD Patients
  24. ADHD and Its Impact on Longevity
  25. ADHD Medication Side Effects on Children

❓ ADHD Research Questions

  1. What Are the Effects of ADHD in the Classroom?
  2. What Is the Relationship Between ADHD and Depression in Adolescents?
  3. How Does ADHD Affect School Performance?
  4. Should Children With ADHD Be On Ritilan or Similar Drugs?
  5. What’s the Connection Between Technology and Teen Mental Health, Especially ADHD?
  6. What Should Future Research Help Resolve the Debate About the Efficacy of Eeg Neurofeedback in Children With ADHD?
  7. Are Children Being Diagnosed With ADHD Too Hastily?
  8. How Does ADHD Affect a Person?
  9. What Effect Does Being Identified ADHD Have On a Child?
  10. Children With Low Working Memory and Children With ADHD: Same or Different?
  11. How Does ADHD and Autism Affect Education?
  12. How Does ADHD Affect Learning?
  13. Why Should Parents Use Alternative Treatments for ADHD?
  14. Is It Possible To Treat ADHD Without Pharmaceutical Risks?
  15. How Do People With ADHD See Themselves in the Community?
  16. How Can You Tell if an Adult Has ADHD?
  17. Television Overexposure and ADHD: Is There a Connection?
  18. Should Children Diagnose With ADHD Be Given Medication To Address Their Symptoms?
  19. Why Should Parents Use Alternative Treatments for ADHD?
  20. ADHD Treatment: Should Antihypertensive Medications Be Used?
  21. Why Do Teachers Need To Understand ADHD?
  22. Why Are More and More People Getting the Misdiagnosis of ADHD?
  23. How Does ADHD Affect Cognitive Development?
  24. What Is the Natural Cure for ADHD?
  25. How School Systems Deal With ADHD?
  26. How Society Views Children With ADHD?
  27. What Is the Relationship Between ADHD and Electronic Stimulation?
  28. How ADHD Medication Affects the Brain?
  29. What Is the Correlation Between Age and ADHD?
  30. What Are the Teaching Strategies for Children With ADHD?

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NursingBird. (2023, November 13). 82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://nursingbird.com/topics/adhd-research-topics/

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"82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples." NursingBird, 13 Nov. 2023, nursingbird.com/topics/adhd-research-topics/.


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NursingBird. 2023. "82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 13, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/topics/adhd-research-topics/.

1. NursingBird. "82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 13, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/topics/adhd-research-topics/.


NursingBird. "82 ADHD Research Topics & Essay Examples." November 13, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/topics/adhd-research-topics/.