The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholar is characterized by a focus on meeting the Institute of Medicine (IOM) mandate on integrating a unique nursing perspective into the interprofessional approach. While exploring one health problem, they strive to consider it in the context of healthcare complexity, financing models, and policies as driving forces of change (Edwards, Coddington, Erler, & Kirkpatrick, 2018). The search for the application of evidence-based interventions in practice is another vivid research direction of DNPs.

The preparation of the scholarly project is not a linear process as it includes a set of discussions and investigations, which results in a thought-provoking and comprehensive work. The latter should also present examples, evidence-based interventions, any associated challenges, and other points, reflecting that the scholar scrutinized the selected area of interest (Zaccagnini & Pechacek, 2019). The purpose of the DNP scholarly project can be regarded as a vehicle that is used to demonstrate one’s knowledge and skills in his or her professional realm (Moran, Burson, & Conrad, 2019). In addition, the scholarly project serves as a means to accomplish academic goals and impact the health of the nation positively.

The book by Moran et al. (2019) is a good example of the DNP scholarly project as it has a focus on changing the current healthcare, includes a plan of action, and offers the basis for the proposed arguments. Most importantly, the structure of the book is logical, and the authors use reliable sources to support their ideas. One of the quandaries noted by Dols, Hernández, and Miles (2017), a lack of alignment between projects and national recommendations, is avoided. All the DNP essentials are recognized and implemented within the book, and clinical significance is clarified.


Dols, J. D., Hernández, C., & Miles, H. (2017). The DNP project: Quandaries for nursing scholars. Nursing Outlook, 65(1), 84-93.

Edwards, N. E., Coddington, J., Erler, C., & Kirkpatrick, J. (2018). The impact of the role of doctor of nursing practice nurses on healthcare and leadership. Medical Research Archives, 6(4), 1-11.

Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice scholarly project: A framework for success (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Zaccagnini, M., & Pechacek, J. M. (2019). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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NursingBird. (2022, July 15). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar.

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"The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar." NursingBird, 15 July 2022,


NursingBird. (2022) 'The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar'. 15 July.


NursingBird. 2022. "The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar." July 15, 2022.

1. NursingBird. "The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar." July 15, 2022.


NursingBird. "The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholar." July 15, 2022.