Diabetes Mellitus: Resources


If not effectively managed, diabetes could cause a considerable burden on the economy, lessened output at home and in the workplace, and premature death (Weller, Baer, de Alba Garcia, & Rocha, 2012). Over and above the economic burden that has been quantified, diabetes causes high intangible costs in the community with respect to decreased quality of life, pain, and suffering of the patients, their friends, and family members. Enhanced comprehension of the cost of diabetes and its key determining factors, in addition to the use of community and national resources, assists in encouraging policymakers and motivating determinations to decrease its occurrence and burden. Diabetes resource centers provide information that aids in learning the best manner of preventing and managing the illness.

Diabetes Resource Centers

The Diabetes Research Institute denotes a valuable resource center at the University of Miami that offers informative education and training programs for the different kinds of medical experts and representatives in the health sector. For people that have diabetes, in addition to their family members, the Diabetes Research Institute’s Kosow Diabetes Treatment Center gives the utmost values of health care, continuing management, enlightening support, and several medical study possibilities (American Diabetes Association, 2012).

From its start, the Memorial Healthcare System has been offering first-rate medical services to the people living in South Florida. Currently, it is the third-biggest public medical facility in the country and is greatly reputed for its outstanding patient and family-focused care. Its resource center, the Memorial Diabetes Center, has professional diabetes educators that balance the patient-doctor association with tailored teachings on insulin therapy and diet to mention a few. Such professionals are esteemed for their outstanding values; they train patients, their friends, and family members regarding fresh and resourceful approaches (American Diabetes Association, 2012).

The professionals at the Diabetes Center Miami are aware of the crucial role that education plays for every patient. On this note, they have established a sequence of instruments to offer valuable information regarding diabetes. The professionals at the center seek to evaluate the condition of the patient and generate a tailored plan to assist in the management of glucose levels. However, that is just a single piece of the puzzle. They also show the patients simple routine modifications that can noticeably enhance the way they feel and offer a support system (American Diabetes Association, 2015).

About the Resources

Some of the benefits of diabetes resource centers encompass effective patient education, better follow-up, the lesser possibility of complications, and an enhanced quality of life. One of the services they offer includes meeting with diabetes educators and nutritionists for a personalized approach, for example, personal examination, dietary counseling, and means of attaining the nutritional objectives. There are also group classes, which center on a wide-ranging overview of diabetes and create a chance to share and gain knowledge from peers. The diabetes resource centers customize a distinctive plan of care with respect to the needs of the patients (American Diabetes Association, 2015). In this regard, the exact fees for the desired services can only be discussed with the management of the centers. The criteria for eligibility encompass having diabetes mellitus, commitment in the management of the illness, and the desire to join the centers and complete the program. Applying to join the center could be through filling out an application form at the facility or on the online platforms, where offered. The diabetes resource centers offer transportation for the patients when necessary, for instance, when taking them to different places to boost the quality of services such as through workouts for their health and physical fitness.

Integration of the Resources

Before the end of the session with JB, I will encourage him to visit diabetes resource centers for counseling to help eliminate the depression problem and obtain instructions on the effective management of the illness. Though community and national resources have not been considerably incorporated into health care, such a partnership ought to be encouraged as a way of promoting quality care for the patients (Haas et al., 2013). For instance, the engagement of peers and personnel at the resource centers and health professionals has been found beneficial.

Potential Advantages and Disadvantages

The most noteworthy concerns for homeless patients encompass improper storage of things such as medication because of lack of housing, poor access to care due to transport limitations, and lacking funds (Haas et al., 2013). However, since diabetes resource centers provide accommodation, they offer solutions to these problems if the homeless patients join, for example, through help from a Good Samaritan. Moreover, the provision of services to homeless patients at the centers becomes convenient and ensures effective management of diabetes and quality of life. Nevertheless, homeless patients may be unruly for being used to the cruel life in the streets. Additionally, they could resist the services offered for desiring death to escape the problems in the streets.


Community and national resource centers for diabetes help in encouraging policymakers and rousing determinations to decrease diabetes complications. The Diabetes Research Institute, the Memorial Healthcare System, and the Diabetes Center Miami are some of the resources in Florida that offer services to patients and enlightenment on the best approach to preventing and managing the illness. Though there could be some disadvantages for homeless patients seeking the resources, the advantages are greater.


American Diabetes Association. (2012). Diabetes management in correctional institutions. Diabetes Care, 35(1), 87-93.

American Diabetes Association. (2015). Diabetes advocacy. Diabetes Care, 38(1), 86-87.

Haas, L., Maryniuk, M., Beck, J., Cox, C. E., Duker, P., Edwards, L., & Youssef, G. (2013). National standards for diabetes self-management education and support. Diabetes Care, 36(1), 100-108.

Weller, S. C., Baer, R. D., de Alba Garcia, J. G., & Rocha, A. L. S. (2012). Explanatory models of diabetes in the US and Mexico: The patient–provider gap and cultural competence. Social Science & Medicine, 75(6), 1088-1096.

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NursingBird. (2023, January 3). Diabetes Mellitus: Resources. https://nursingbird.com/diabetes-mellitus-resources/

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"Diabetes Mellitus: Resources." NursingBird, 3 Jan. 2023, nursingbird.com/diabetes-mellitus-resources/.


NursingBird. (2023) 'Diabetes Mellitus: Resources'. 3 January.


NursingBird. 2023. "Diabetes Mellitus: Resources." January 3, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/diabetes-mellitus-resources/.

1. NursingBird. "Diabetes Mellitus: Resources." January 3, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/diabetes-mellitus-resources/.


NursingBird. "Diabetes Mellitus: Resources." January 3, 2023. https://nursingbird.com/diabetes-mellitus-resources/.