Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care


Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) remain a major problem in many health institutions. In our organization, similar infections tend to be recorded occasionally. This presentation seeks to outline some of the best strategies and initiatives that could help transform the existing culture. The involvement of all key partners will support the change process and make it easier for the practitioners and leaders to think and focus on the best outcomes. The introduction of such a strategy at the organizational level will help deliver positive results.

Key Aspects

The proposed plan seeks to introduce a new culture of safety whereby practitioners, physicians, and clinicians follow established guidelines and engage their patients. The concepts of teamwork and leadership will support the process to ensure that timely results are recorded. All partners and community members will have to collaborate and benefit from the educational or training practices. The ultimate aim will be to overcome the challenges associated with HAIs, thereby maximizing the overall outcomes and experiences of more patients.

Functions, Processes, and Behaviors

The selected medical facility has unique processes, behaviors, and functions that are affecting the level of patient safety and quality. Specifically, the leaders have failed to promote a culture of safety and engage all the relevant core functions. The workers are unaware or unmotivated to embrace the best practices for maximizing hygiene. The monitoring procedures are ineffective and incapable of minimizing some of the possible medical challenges. These scenarios and situations are to blame for the current challenges experienced in the hospital.

Knowledge Gaps

Currently, most practitioners are not aware of the possible causes of the existing culture and how it affects the overall outcomes of more patients. The leaders have been reluctant to implement a new culture that resonates with the notions of patient safety. The professionals are aware of the existing HAIs but unwilling to transform the process (World Health Organization, 2017). The organization has ignored some of the evidence-based practices from different sources and successful organizations to change the present situation and transform the experiences of more patients.

Current Outcome Measures: Strengths and Weaknesses

The selected hospital presently relies on the experiences of patients as the best measure related to quality and safety. Such a model ignores the roles of different practitioners and how the existing culture contributes to increasing levels of HAIs. Such a measure presents a number of challenges and weaknesses (Jeihooni et al., 2018). The main strength is that the hospital finds it easier to respond to the needs of patients with HAIs. However, the approach makes it impossible to consider and introduce a superior culture that can support the level of quality and transform the overall medical experiences of more patients.

Needed Steps

The use of Kurt Lewin’s theory of change will form the basis for the proposed transformation. The leading assumption is that all stakeholders will be ready to be part of the process. The relevant leaders will ask for the right financial resources and HR personnel to support the entire process. The consideration of emerging practices and concepts will make the process successful, such as the Baldridge Criteria for Performance Excellence. The responsibilities of key staff members should be aligned with these key steps: unfreeze, change, and freeze.

Future Vision

The institution’s top leadership should consider the recorded change and support it accordingly. The managers will need to introduce the relevant resources and offer the best guidelines. The inclusion of emerging technologies to monitor sentinel events and possible HAIs would support the entire process (Jeihooni et al., 2018). The involvement and sensitization of teachers will make the process effective and support the delivery of timely outcomes. Continuous monitoring is essential to ensure that the institution achieves the intended vision and eventually transforms the experiences of more practitioners.

Nurse Leader’s Role

The success of the targeted change depends on the roles and initiatives the responsible nurse leader undertakes. Such a professional will need to prepare all clinicians and practitioners for the transformation and consider the best approaches to maximize interprofessional collaboration. The workers will be involved and address some of the existing barriers. They will go further to implement the ideas and concepts most of the patients present. The approach will minimize objections and support the intended culture of safety.

Gaining Support

From the presented information, it is agreeable that all stakeholders should find a reason to support the proposed safety culture. Currently, more patients and practitioners are experiencing divergent challenges due to HAIs. A new change will support the introduction of practices and behaviors that minimize HAIs and sentience events. The move will be more beneficial since patients will receive medical services for a shorter period while reducing costs. These attributes explain why stakeholders should not resist such a change.


In conclusion, the proposed change seeks to introduce a new culture of quality and safety. The process is intended to minimize some of the recorded HAIs and empower more practitioners to continue providing personalized and timely medical services. The involvement of all key stakeholders will reduce potential objectives and eventually take the hospital closer to the targeted organizational vision.


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Jeihooni, A. K., Kashfi, S. H., Bahmandost, M., &Harsini, P. A. (2018). Promoting preventive behaviors of nosocomial infections in nurses: The effect of an educational program based on health belief model. Investigacion Y EducacionEnEnfermeria, 36(1). Web.

Kollef, M. H., Torres, A., Shorr, A. F., Martin-Loeches, I., &Micek, S. T. (2021). Nosocomial infection. Critical Care Medicine, 49(2), 169-187. Web.

Vokes, R. A., Bearman, G., &Bazolli G. J. (2018). Hospital-acquired infections under pay-for-performance systems: an administrative perspective on management and change. Current Infectious Disease Reports, 20(9), 1-7. Web.

World Health Organization. (2017). Patient safety: Making health care safer. Web.

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NursingBird. (2024, January 27). Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care.

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"Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care." NursingBird, 27 Jan. 2024,


NursingBird. (2024) 'Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care'. 27 January.


NursingBird. 2024. "Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care." January 27, 2024.

1. NursingBird. "Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care." January 27, 2024.


NursingBird. "Culture of Safety and Quality in Health Care." January 27, 2024.